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MOS Wish

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الشبكات الاجتماعية نمط الحياة
المطور: Linkwish, Inc.


** 感謝大家,10/17重大更新推出第一天,就強攻社群類APP排行榜 Top50 **
** 配合APP改版,即將推出APP專屬贈獎活動,請即刻下載以免錯過好康! **

摩斯漢堡 2012 年新推出的行動社群服務 MOS Wish,邀您一起行動上網許願揪團,和店長搏感情,輕鬆享有不定期的專屬好康優惠和最新活動訊息!

★ 第一步「許願望」:

★ 第二步「喬夥伴」:
MOS Wish 具有強大的線上討論、對話等功能,讓您可以快速地傳訊互動,認識志同道合的新朋友,或是揪團一同完成大家的心願。

★ 第三步「到MOS」:
和您的夥伴相約摩斯漢堡,拿出 iPhone「完成」願望,除了一同享用美味的商品,也可與好友持續互動,更可藉此認識其他也喜愛 MOS 的成員。

* 此服務為台灣地區摩斯漢堡開發製作,相關活動僅限台灣地區,不包括其它地區的摩斯漢堡門市。
* 需使用臉書帳號登入,您的臉書資料可幫助我們製作願望的排序與推薦演算,讓適合您的願望更容易出現。( 所有資料都將加密並不做另外用途。)
* 使用者的願望內容或任何發言、行為均代表其個人,非摩斯漢堡立場。

MOS BURGER makes your wishes come true!
MOS BURGER releases a new mobile social network service, MOS Wish, in 2012. We sincerely invite you to join the community to share your ideas, as well as make friends with our store managers and other fans who are also crazy about MOS BURGER. The benefit is you can get the occasional exclusive coupons to enjoy special discounts and the latest information about our new products and activities. Don’t hesitate, join the MOS Wish now!

★ How to use
Step 1. Make a wish
Post your wishes, ideas or plans. There might be someone who is also interested in your thoughts.

Step 2. Talk
Using our built-in instant chat feature or on-air-push message function, you can easily interact with other users who also like to learn more about MOS BURGER, or find up-to-date information which interests you the most.

Step 3. Go To MOS BURGER
Go to MOS BURGER with your friends, present your exclusive coupons, and enjoy our delicious food at a special price!

★ Terms and Conditions:
* This service is provided by Taiwan MOS BURGER. The related activities are for Taiwan only, excluding other parts of the outlets.
* Need a Facebook account to access all the activities. All information that you provide will be protected and will not be shared with any third party or used for other purposes.
* The users’ statements and acts do not represent the views of MOS BURGER.